An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge


An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is a short 5 to 10 minute game adaptation of the Civil War story by the same name written by Ambrose Bierce. Besides the title screen, there are no words within the game spoken or written, allowing the player to immerse themselves within the story. The original story can be read here.

“A testament to how video games can be used to tell a story.”
– IndieGameMag

“It’s thought-provoking and emotionally gripping, should you let it be”

“It  embodies something very rare in gaming today –  a very strong and compelling message that demonstrates how game design can be an art and how video games can be used to tell a story.”
– 30PlusGamer

“It appears James… has succeeded in blurring the distinction between reading a story and actually being put in the role of the protagonist.”
– GamesWarp